One day Jim began building a deck he designed for the back of his house. In the middle of his deck building project, Jim needed to take a trip to the hardware store. After gathering the supplies he needed, Jim made his way to the check-out. While waiting in line, he found a “How to Make a USA Puzzle” catalog and just had to buy it, not knowing that this would mark the beginning of his woodworking journey. That was twenty-five years ago.
For fun, Jim began making puzzles and name stools for his family and friends. Soon enough he was doing local art and craft shows where his custom woodworking skills and products really became popular. Hollow Woodworks was born. While I was talking to Jim this afternoon, he said something that really caught my attention. “I have so much fun doing what I love. It really is the best job in the world,” says Jim.

In an effort to support our country and people here in the USA, all of the Hollow Woodworks supplies are from the USA. Hollow Woodworks uses primarily sustainable maple wood and occasionally sustainable birch wood. The paint used on all the Hollow Woodworks pieces is made right outside of Detroit and is water based acrylic paint safe for kids and safe for the environment.

Hollow Woodworks is best known for their super awesome Name Stools! Personally, the name stool is my favorite item Hollow Woodworks offers. Each stool has a puzzle of the child’s name cut out on it. The best part is that it is a puzzle! This is great for little ones to begin recognizing the letters in their own name and even basic colors too. Hollow Woodworks offers many more items other than the name stool such as toy boxes, flip step stools, a variety of educational puzzles to name rocking chairs, all which are available to purchase at the Summer For Kids store. So if you are looking for a fun, cool, personal great quality gift your child will appreciate forever, I recommend any of the Hollow Woodworks products.

Custom Name Stools starting at $59.00
All Hollow Woodworks items are made with love in Ferguson, Missouri.
For more information about Hollow Woodworks products or to place an order please visit the
Summer For Kids
1235 Coast Village Road Suite C
Montecito, CA93108
Call (805) 565- 2277
email to: store@summerforkids.com