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Monday, April 20, 2009


Better Sleep: New parents all over are deprived of sleep during the first year of their children’s lives, but it shouldn’t be due to worry over the bedding and materials their angels are sleeping on. An easy way help increase sleep and decrease worry for parents when their little one’s will actually sleep, buy organic.

Mattresses made of man-made materials have chemicals in their make up that can create allergen problems and issues with immunity development and reproductive systems. These mattresses are also covered in secondary chemicals to decrease their flammability. These chemicals have been linked to the increase in hyperactivity and neurobehavioral alterations in children. Babies spend hours with lying on there, breathing in these poisons and increasing the chances of permanent problems. The baby’s bed, the place where they will spend 12- 16 hours of everyday is a perfect place to start. The use of organic cotton and wool work to decrease dust mites, contain a resistance to bacteria and are more flame retardant.
100% ORGANIC - Natural Mat doesnt use any glues or bonding agents and you will not find any chemicals or synthetic materials whosoever in your mattress.

NON- ALLERGENIC & ANTI DUST MITE - 100% hypoallergenic and offers complete protection from house dust mites. Every Natural Mat has a removable pure cotton outer cover that can be machine washed at 60 degrees C (dust mites are killed at 57 degrees) which offers further allergy protection.

NATURALLY FIRE RETARDANT - Natural Mat passes all fire regulations without the use of chemical or unnatural treatments in any part of the mattress. All mattresses are covered in two unbleached, undyed 100% cotton covers that have no FR additives. All mattresses comply to the new federal 16 CFR 1633 requirements.

LONG LASTING SUPERIOR SUPPORT - durable naturally sprung mattress cores provide superior and longer lasting level of support than any other synthetic foam or metal spring. They use wool batting rather than cotton, it is a far more resilient fiber with better ventilation and insulation properties.

100% RENEWABLE - All the raw materials come from 100% renewable and sustainable sources that complay with Fair Trade policies.

ECO PACKAGING - All packaging used for Natural Mat mattresses is 100% biodegradable and 100% recyclable. Their carton is made from a mixture of recycled and renewable paper resources from FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council) managed forests.
Natural Mat organic mattresses are handmade from the finest materials in the world to provide your baby with the most comfortable and safest sleeping environment possible for those important first years of life.

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